STEMatch delivers final Cybersecurity Workforce Development Pilot report
Funded in part with a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, STEMatch completed its cybersecurity workforce development pilot with MassBay Community College and eight technology-provider and technology-user companies - and delivered its report to the Commonwealth. The findings, supported by the executives form the participating companies, indicate that with additional workskills training and internship experience, students with 1-2 years of focused, technology post-secondary education can be successful in jobs traditionally reserved for those with 4-year, bachelor’s degrees.
Students in the program underwent an assessment process, comparing their workskills to successful professionals in the workforce - both those in cybersecurity positions, and those in non-technical positions. The students scored consistent with cybersecurity professionals. In addition, executives from companies such as State Street Bank, Steward Healthcare, The Federal Reserve Boston, and Mimecast interviewed students and assessed that the vast majority were qualified for entry-level, mid-skill, cybersecurity jobs.