COMPETE 25 Corporate Partner Website
Thank you for partnering with us! Our goal is to build an effective and scalable pathway to tech jobs for students who can’t afford the time out of the workforce or the cost of a 4 year college degree - and get you access to an untapped, qualified, and diverse talent pool.
This site, for Company Partners only, provides more details about the program, the program calendar, the students, and more. Check out the various sections, and the FAQs below.
Wherever possible, STEMatch strives to make participating in COMPETE easy. We do ask that you focus mentoring on social capital areas and what it is like to work at your company in a tech role - and we do ask that you fill out interview feedback forms after interviewing students. Other than that, we ask that you just fit mentoring and intern management into your standard processes.
Yes, during the final phase of our program in September/October. We ask all Company Partners to interview students whether they have open permanent positions or not, and provide the feedback forms that will help students understand how they can strengthen their position to get a job.
Students must convince you that they can succeed in internships - we do not require partners to hire interns if they don’t find the students qualified (this hasn’t been an issue so far). Prior to interviewing, you will find all student resume on this Partner site, you choose 4 students to interview for every internship targeted, and STEMatch will provide some additional students for interview. This way we can guarantee all students at least 1 interview.
In 2019-2020, STEMatch worked with companies such as IBM, State Street Bank, Point32Health, Mimecast and others to evaluate 1-2 year college students and assess their “hireability” for entry level tech jobs. STEMatch designed COMPETE to provide the additional training and experience that these companies’ executives determined 1-2 year college students needed to succeed in an entry-level tech job.
The goal is to supplement the Work Skills Seminars that focus on helping students understand how to get and succeed in a tech job, and to understand the environment that they would be walking into as an intern or entry-level employee. Many of these students have not had much exposure to the type of work environment in the tech-driven company world.